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Schermafbeelding 2021-01-05 om 19.39.10.
Visual art best off Bianca Stigter
Photography top 5 Rianne van Dijck
foam 7 8.jpg
foam 7.jpg
Foammagazine #57 In Limbo, september 2020,
essay Nature's Limbo by Kim Knoppers
Sprinvossen /  AmsterdamFM
Trouw 2019.jpg
Article: Trouw, Letter en Geest, February 1, 2020 by Christine Baart
Article; De Standaard BE, July 27, 2019
Metropolis M: Review
Getekend Amsterdam
June / July 2016

KM 95: Natural Dyes


Poetry in plants


Arja Hop planting laboratory


By Monika Auch


Since 2013 Arja Hop has been doing artistic research into the natural dye from plants that grow in a defined area, such as along the highways in Amsterdam. The project 'Residue' has resulted in a representation of over 220 vegetable dyes of roadside plants in the capital.

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